Spent a lovely afternoon yesterday at a small exhibition of tapestry weaving; two weavers, one from our commune and the other in the adjacent commune, would you believe! We went on Monday and met Wally and yesterday we went again and met Joan. I really came away with my belief re-inforced that ones creativity is limited only by our imagination...which is great because I have the same attitude, though I am sure mine is influenced somewhat by the fact that I am at the stage where I have far more creativity than I do skill!
Her work is the type where, you could return to look every day for a month and still want more; I am sure she won't mind me reproducing a few of her pieces here.
Despite my mantra that the loom is only a start point for me, recently I have questioned some of my own ideas, particularly those for my 3-dimensional and mixed-media work because they are too unconventional....... but today has definitely reversed that trend. Looking back through my sketchbook and notes has just reinforces that; I can see that I have truncated threads prematurely in my designs just when they have

Maybe now is the right time to start looking at the work of others in these field. So dare I look up the links to the artists Joan gave me?
Look her up at www.soulweaving.co.uk and also on her Facebook linked from her website.
The one just above is Night Over Egypt, which I didn't see at the expo but is particularly interesting as my current piece "30/30" is a night scene in the egyption desert and one of my sketchbook designs associated with it, is a night scene I gave the title "Cairo Sunset" which has side-notes saying the sky/sun would need to be tapestry woven due to the lack of shafts on my loom....spooky! ....maybe I will do that one next as a companion pice to 30/30.
Onwards and upwards!!
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