Sunday, 22 July 2012

Craft Fair at La Tour Blanche, 21st July

Yesterdays Craft Fair was great fun. Gail made a great job of the stand and we had a lovely summers evening under the shade of the plane trees demonstrating weaving and chatting about it.  With the bonus of being right opposite the bar and an invitation to dinner with our friends Anj and (Top Chef) Mark, all in all a great day!
 It is such a beautiful village and there are several events throughout the summer, including a very popular annual Music Festival Day which we enjoyed last month.
Gail took her Ashford 8 shaft loom and we demonstrated and let lots of the kids have a go...

This was the first of what is intended to be an annual event for craft and artisans to exhibit, demonstrate and sell.
 Some of the range of handbags and bags I had woven for the fair. One was ear-marked before we went.  Gail exhibited some of her stuff as well, including the throw in the foreground.

The table lamps looked nice on their display and it got dark enough towards the end of the evening for them to light up the looked really nice and gail did a brill job of making the stand look inviting.
I brought my wall hangings along too...everything had a price tag, but  a sleepy local craft fair was never going to get big spenders in attandance.... the lady who made her own honey and the artisan ice-cream were about the only sellers...except of course for the bar...LOVELY pinaut :-)

1 comment:

  1. It all looks great and so glad you enjoyed it! Hope you got some encouraging comments!
