Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Expo Panel Number 1 - First Draft

Here is the first draft of the panel for the Expo. Designed on Photoshop and generated in WeaveIt. The motif will change but this is the structure I want.

This is 1/4, as the final panel will have 16 blocks - each colour block is 180 ends so the individual motifs are big - about 10cm x 20cm - panel size will be 80cm x 80cm...the biggest I can get in the vacuum sleeve.

The panels at the moment are left-hand 3/1 twill with a background of broken twill, so the motif is warp-faced & will be in relief therefore the motifs will be visible in the black panel.  How visible I am not sure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike can you get an Interlacement image of the black on black panel in your design programme? Or send it to me as a wif file andI think I can look at it in Fibreworks so I might get an idea of how visible it will be.
