Wednesday 7 May 2014

Expo - Second panel

Dilemma - I am not happy that the second panel 'goes' with the first so do I weave the first to 'match' or vice-versa?

This is not yet stretched on the frame and mounted
The subdued background colour of this second panel and the contrasting 'plaid' effect central section  are good at contrasting the relief of the masks and I am pleased with the effect I have achieved with the snake winding in and out of the faces and vac.forming the three masks at once worked fine.  Unfortunately, the text is not as clear; which I am surprised at because the grey/gold/silver worked when I trialed it???? 

The colours of the two panels just do not harmonise though. If I had the time I would warp again with the gold/silver in the central warp panel and a solid, light colour either side. This would make it easier to use dark, bright weft colours to coordinate between panels as well as ensuring the text stands out.....but I aint got the time! 

There is also the not so small matter of having no more mask moulds. If I redo the first panel I can reuse that mask, but that's not an option with this panel.............  Ho, hum!!

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